Local History Collection

The Lunenburg Public Library has an extensive collection of local history books for reference use. Available in the Sudolnik Conference Room, the books can be requested at the front desk for in-person use only.

The collection includes the following books by geographical location (call numbers included):

  • Ashburnham
    • Stearns, Ezra Scollay. History of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, from the grant of Dorchester Canada to present time, 1734-1886: with a genealogical register of Ashburnham families (1887). A.974.4903A STE.
  • Boston
    • Harris, John. Battle of Bunker Hill, Saturday, June 17, 1775 (1975). A973.3. HAR.
    • Harris, John. Boston tea party: the trigger of our Revolution (1974). A973.3 HAR.
    • Taylor, Robert. The great Boston fire, 1872: a disaster with a villain, old-style politics (1972). A974.461 TAY.
  • Central Massachusetts
    • Crane, Ellery Bicknell. Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts: with a history of Worcester Society of Antiquity (1907), 4 vols. A947.43 CRA.
    • Drake, Samuel Adams. History of Middlesex County, Massachusetts: containing carefully prepared histories of every city and town in the county (1880), 2 vols. A974.44 DRA.
    • Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Worcester County, Massachusetts: with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men (1889), 2 vols. A974.43 HUR.
    • Marvin, Abijah Perkins. History of Worcester County, Massachusetts, embracing a comprehensive history of the county from its first settlement to the present time, with a history and description of its cities and towns (1879), 2 vols. A974.43 HIS.
    • Massachusetts Historical Commission. Historic and archeological resources of Central Massachusetts: a framework for preservation decisions (1985). A974.43 MAS.
    • Montachusett Regional Planning Commission. The historic architecture of the Montachusett region: a preliminary preservation planning analysis (1978). A720.9 MON.
    • Southwick, Albert B. Once-told tales of Worcester County (1985). A974.43 SOU.
    • Worcester Bank and Trust Company. Forty immortals of Worcester and its county: a brief account of those natives or residents who have accomplished something for their community or for its nation (1920). A974.4903W WOR.
  • Concord
    • French, Allen. Old Concord (1915). A974.4093C FRE.
  • Devens
    • Robinson, William Joseph. Forging the sword: the story of Camp Devens, New England’s army cantonment (1920). A974.43 ROB.
  • Fitchburg
    • Kirkpatrick, Doris. The city and the river: around the world in Fitchburg (1971-1975), 2 vols. A974.4093F KIR.
    • Torrey, Rufus C. History of the town of Fitchburg, Massachusetts: comprising also a history of Lunenburg, from its first settlement to the year 1764 (1865). A974.4093F TOR.
  • Gardner
    • Moore, Esther Gilman. History of Gardner, Massachusetts, 1785-1967 (1967). A.974.4093G MOO.
  • Groton
    • Hayes, Elizabeth Le May. Old days in Groton (1955). A974.4093G HAY.
  • Harvard
    • Nourse, Henry S. History of the town of Harvard, Massachusetts: 1732-1893 (1894). A974.4093H NOU.
    • Sears, Clara Endicott. Bronson Alcott’s Fruitlands (1915). A973.5 SEA.
  • Lancaster
    • Emerson, W. A. Lancaster on the Nashua: picturesque and historical (1904). A974.4093L EME.
    • Lancaster League of Historical Societies. Towns of the Nashaway Plantation (1976). A974.43 LAN.
    • Nourse, Henry S. The military annals of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1740-1865: including lists of soldiers serving in the Colonial and Revolutionary Wars, for the Lancastrian towns (1889). A974.4093L NOU.
  • Leominster
    • Hazzard, Thomas K., and Diane M. Sanabria. Leominster (1997). A974.4093L HAZ.
    • Wilder, David. The history of Leominster, or the northern half of the Lancaster new or additional grant (1853). A974.4093L WIL.
  • Lunenburg
    • Cunningham, George Alfred. A history of the town of Lunenburg in Massachusetts, from the original grant, December 7th, 1719, to January 1st, 1866 (1977), 3 vols. A.974.4093L CUN.
    • Estabrook, Adin C. Lunenburg (1879). A.974.4093 LUN.
    • Fleming, Douglas S. Trails of the Henry E. Cowdrey Nature Center: Harley Edition. A974.4093 LUN.
    • Lunenburg Exchange Club. Town of Lunenburg: Old Home Days (1967). A974.43 LUN.
    • Lunenburg High School. Lunenburg High School: One Hundred Years of Graduates, 1898-1997. A974.4093 LUN.
    • Lunenburg Historical Society. Lunenburg: the heritage of Turkey Hills, 1718-1978 (1977). A974.4093 LUN.
    • Lunenburg Historical Society. Lunenburg. A.974.4093 LUN.
    • Lunenburg Proprietors. The Proprietors’ records of the town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, including Fitchburg and a portion of Ashby, 1729-1833 (1897). A974.4093L DAV.
    • Stone, Clayton E. Fifty Years with the Birds of Lunenburg, MA: a manuscript (1937). A598 STO.
    • Town of Lunenburg. The early records of the town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, including that part which is now Fitchburg, 1719-1764 (1896). A974.4093L DAV.
    • Town of Lunenburg. Growth Management Plan Report. A974.4093L.
    • Town of Lunenburg. Lunenburg Town Report (1958-1982), 5 vols. A.974.4093 LUN.
    • Town of Lunenburg. Reports and valuation of Lunenburg (1853-1957), 15 vols. A974.4093.
  • Massachusetts
    • Austin, George Lowell. The history of Massachusetts, from the landing of the Pilgrims to the present time: including a narrative of the persecutions by state and church in England (1884). A974.4 AUS.
    • Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Pathways of the Puritans compiled under the direction of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission (1931). A974.4 MAS.
    • Forbes, Allan. Town and city seals of Massachusetts (1950-1951), 2 vols. A929.809744 FOR.
    • Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Massachusetts in the army and navy during the war of 1861-65 (1896). A974.403 HIG.
    • Massachusetts Historical Commission. State register of historic places. A974.4 MAS.
    • Morison, Samuel Eliot. Historical markers erected by Massachusetts Bay Colony tercentenary (1930). A974.4 MOR.
    • Nutting, Wallace. Massachusetts beautiful (1923). A974.4 NUT.
    • Pope, Charles Henry. The pioneers of Massachusetts, a descriptive list, drawn from records of the colonies, towns and churches and other contemporaneous documents (1900). A929 POP.
    • Putnam, Eben. Report on the Commission of Massachusetts’ Part in the World War (1929-1931), 2 vols. A940.467 PUT.
    • Sandrof, Ivan. Massachusetts towns: an 1840 view (1963). A974.4 SAN.
    • Schouler, William. A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War (1868-1871), 2 vols. A.973.7 SCH.
    • Vexler, Robert I. Chronology and documentary handbook of the State of Massachusetts (1978). A974.4 VEX.
  • New England
    • Abbott, Katharine M. Old paths and legends of New England: saunterings over historic roads, with glimpses of picturesque fields and old homesteads in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire (1903). A974 ABB.
    • Crawford, Mary Caroline. Social life in old New England (1914). A974 CRA.
    • Thoreau, Henry David. The Maine woods (1893). A974.1 THO.
  • Plymouth
    • Bradford, William. History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647 (1912), 2 vols. A.974.4093PL BRA.
    • Davis, William T. History of the town of Plymouth: with a sketch of the origin and growth of Separatism (1885). A974.4093PL DAV.
  • Princeton
    • Blake, Francis E. History of the town of Princeton, in the county of Worcester and commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1759-1915 (1915). A974.4093P BLA.
  • Shirley
    • Bolton, Ethel Stanwood. Shirley uplands and intervales: annals of a border town of Old Middlesex, with some genealogical sketches (1914). A974.4093S BOL.
    • Chandler, Seth. History of the town of Shirley, Massachusetts, from its early settlement to A.D. 1882 (1883). A974.4093S CHA.
  • Winchendon
    • Greenwood, Lois Stevenson. Winchendon years, 1764-1964 (1970). A974.4093W GRE.
  • Worcester
    • Tymeson, Mildred McClary. Two towers: the story of Worcester Tech, 1865-1965 (1965). A974.4093W TYM.
    • Worcester Bank and Trust Company. Historic events of Worcester: a brief account of some of the most interesting events which have occurred in Worcester during the past two hundred years. A974.4093W WOR.
    • Worcester Bank and Trust Company. Some historic houses of Worcester: a brief account of the houses and taverns that fill a prominent part in the history of Worcester, together with interesting reminiscences of their occupants (1919). A974.4093W WOR.