The Lunenburg Public Library provides computers for a variety of uses from accessing the Internet and online databases to word processing.
Acceptable Use
Internet resources are to be used in a responsible manner consistent with educational, informational and recreational purposes. Patrons of all ages are expected to use the computers in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others.
Unacceptable Use
Computer privileges may be suspended or cancelled, at the discretion of the librarians, if a patron is found tampering with the computers, including any of the following violations: degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance; vandalizing the data of others; gaining unlawful access, including hacking and other unlawful activities; invading the privacy of others; violating software license agreements and copyright laws; violating other federal, state, or local laws; deliberately displaying obscene images; providing minors with access to materials that are harmful to them; and/or violating the automated reservation procedures or using the library card of someone else.
Guidelines for Internet Use
Any patron who wishes to use a public computer must bring a valid CW Mars library card, and be in good standing. For visitors without a CW Mars card, a guest pass will be issued in exchange for a valid form of identification, such as a drivers license, college identification, or a travel visa. The library will allow one person per computer. Changing any settings or otherwise modifying a library computer’s configuration is not permitted. Unethical or illegal use of computers or other electronic devices in the library, and/or accessing obscene material as defined by M.G.L. c. 272, Sec. 31*, is prohibited. Users in violation of this policy will have their privileges suspended. Computer users must be respectful of others. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will result in a suspension of library computer use privileges or removal from the library. Librarians will help the patron get started in accessing the Internet, but cannot provide in-depth training. The Library does not provide email accounts to users; however, users with existing email accounts may access their accounts through the Library’s public computers. The Library does not accept responsibility of possible cached messages left after such use. Telephone reservations will not be accepted.
*Massachusetts General Laws c. 272, Section 31: “Obscene” matter is obscene if taken as a whole it appeals to the prurient interest of the average person applying the contemporary standards where the offense was committed; 2. depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and 3. lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
Guidelines for Internet and Computer Use by Minors
Computers in the Children’s Room are only for the use of ages twelve (12) and under and their parent, guardian, or caregiver. Children under the age of six (6) must be under the direct supervision of a parent or caregiver when using a computer. When a child uses a computer the parent, guardian, or caregiver is responsible for overseeing what is accessed. Parents, guardians, or caregivers are responsible for ensuring their children’s safety and security when using electronic mail, chat rooms, internet games, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Wireless Policy
The Library offers wireless internet access via laptops and an open WiFi network. Users of the library’s wireless access are subject to the provisions of the Computer and Internet Use Policy, with the following additions and guidelines for use. The wireless connection is neither secure nor encrypted. The Library assumes no responsibility for the following, but is not limited to: intercepted transmissions including unauthorized access to personal information such as, but not limited to, name, social security, password(s), telephone, and credit card numbers viruses, malware, spyware, identity theft, plug-ins and/or hacking hardware or software damage.
The Library is not responsible for loss of data or personal information due to disabled firewalls or virus protection. The library staff offers no assistance in establishing or maintaining a wireless connection, or for technical support. Printing is not available to wireless users.